The Latin American SDM Special Interest Group is focused on promoting and building shared decision making in the Latin American region. It consists of SDM researchers, clinician-researchers and individuals in health policy and management. It aims to increase awareness of SDM and build collaboration and support for SDM in the Latin American region.
For any questions about this special interest group or if you wish to join, please email the chair Paulina Bravo.

Dr Paulina Bravo (Chile)
Affiliation: Director of Patient Education and Involvement, Fundación Arturo López Pérez, Chile
SDM Projects:
- Assessment of PCC and SDM in Chile and Latin America
- Development and evaluation of patient decision aids in cancer settings
- Training on SDM, PCC and risk communication
- Bravo P*, Dois A, Villarroel L, et al. Factors influencing the implementation of shared decision-making in breast cancer care: protocol for a mixed-methods study BMJ Open 2023;13:e074111. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-074111
- Bravo, P*., Martinez-Pereira, A., Fernández-González, L., & Dois, A. (2023). What is needed to effectively communicate risk during a health crisis? A qualitative study with international experts based on the COVID-19 pandemic. BMJ open, 13(5), e067531.
- Bravo, P., Härter, M, McCaffery, K., Giguerè, A., Halhweg, P., Elwyn, G. (2022). Editorial 20 years after the start of international Shared Decision Making activities: Is it time to celebrate? Probably. . . Zeitschrift für Evidenz Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen. Jun;171:1-4. doi: 10.1016/j.zefq.2022.05.009. Epub 2022 May 31.

Victor M. Montori (Peru)
Affiliation: Rewoldt Professor, KER Unit, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA (Peru)
SDM Projects:
- Advancing the detection, design, implementation, and practice of SDM for patients with multiple chronic conditions to make care fit. Work to improve the conditions in healthcare that cultivate and sustain caring.
- Barton JL, Kunneman M, Hargraves I, LeBlanc A, Brito JP, Scholl I, Montori VM. Envisioning Shared Decision Making: A Reflection for the Next Decade. MDM Policy Pract. 2020 Oct 20;5(2):2381468320963781. doi: 10.1177/2381468320963781. PMID: 35187247; PMCID: PMC8855401.
- Montori VM, Ruissen MM, Hargraves IG, Brito JP, Kunneman M. Shared decision-making as a method of care. BMJ Evid Based Med. 2023 Aug;28(4):213-217. doi: 10.1136/bmjebm-2022-112068. Epub 2022 Dec 2. PMID: 36460328; PMCID: PMC10423463.
- Kunneman M, Montori V. Making Care Fit in the Lives and Loves of Patients With Chronic Conditions. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 Mar 1;4(3):e211576. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.1576. PMID: 33760083.

Constanza Quezada (Chile)
Affiliation: Research coordinator, Fundación Arturo López Pérez Chile
SDM Projects:
Research coordinator of the Fondecyt project “Factors influencing the implementation of shared decision-making: the case of breast cancer treatment in Chile”.
- Bravo P, Dois A, Villarroel L, et alFactors influencing the implementation of shared decision-making in breast cancer care: protocol for a mixed-methods studyBMJ Open 2023;13:e074111. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-074111

Angelina Dois (Chile)
Affiliation: Associate Professor, School of Nursing Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
SDM Projects:
SDM and breast cancer
Development of SDM and PCC assessment tools for the public health sector
- Bravo P., Contreras A., Dois A., Villarroel L. Adaptación y validación del instrumento genérico CollaboRATETM para medir la participación de mujeres en la toma de decisiones en salud durante el proceso reproductivo. Atención Primaria 50 (5):274-281. DOI: 10.1016/j.aprim.2017.04.003 Disponible en
- Bravo P, Dois A, Fernández-González L, Hernández-Leal MJ, Villarroel L. Validación del instrumento Informed Choice para medir la decisión informada de mamografía en mujeres chilenas usuarias de
atención primaria. Atención Primaria 2021, 53 (3):101943. Disponible en doi: 10.1016/j.aprim.2020.08.005
- Dois A, Bravo P, Fernández L, Uribe C. Consideraciones para comunicar riesgos y beneficios de la mamografía a mujeres desde la perspectiva de los expertos. Rev Med Chile 2021;149(2):196-202. Disponible en

Alejandra Martinez (Chile)
Affiliation: Research Scientist, Institution: Dartmouth College
SDM Projects:
- Understanding interpersonal communication in medical visits between people living with dementia, their care partners, and clinicians.
- Address barriers to health services and resources in substance use and mental health issues among Latino immigrant farmworkers in the New England area.
Klimesch A, Martinez A, Topf C, Harter M, Scholl I., Bravo P (2023). Conceptualization of Patient-Centered Care in Latin America: A Scoping Review. Health Expectations, 26:1820-1831
Bravo, P., Dois, A., Martínez, A., González-Agüero, A., Soto G., Rioseco, A., Campos S., Bustamante, C., Vargas, I., Stacey, D. (2022). Advancing towards the implementation of patient-centered care in Chile: An opportunity to effectively practice shared decision-making. Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen. 171:30-35
Martínez-Pereira, A. (2022). Exclusive breastfeeding and migrant mothers’ agency in Chile. Women’s reproductive health. 10(1): 125-141

Felipe G Balbontin (Chile)
Affiliation: MD Urologist in Hospital Clinica Santa María and assistant professor at Finis Terrae University
SDM Projects:
- SDM in prostatic cancer terapeutic options
- Low dose rate brachytherapy in low and middle risk prostate cancer: Results and impact on quality of life with 5 year follow up. Balbontín F, Pizzi P, Canals A, Alliende IArch Esp Urol 2017 Dec;70(10):824-832. PMID: 29205161
- Quality of life in patients with prostate cancer: validation of an instrument for clinical practice.Felipe Balbontín , Pablo Marchetti, Sergio Moreno , José Miguel Cabello , Christian Urzúa , Andrés Silva , Javier Avilés , Leonardo Badínez , Jazmín García, Apolo Salgado, Eugenio Vinez, Isabel Alliende, Andrea Canals, Alfredo Velasco . Arch Esp Urol.2015Jun;68(5):455-73. 2015 Jun; 68(5):466-73. PMID: 26102050
- Long-acting testosterone injections for treatment of testosterone deficiency after brachytherapy for prostate cancer. Balbontin FG, Moreno SA, Bley E, Chacon R, Silva A, Morgentaler A. BJU Int. 2014 Jul;114(1):125-30. doi: 10.1111/bju.12668. PMID: 25101359

Luis Villarroel (Chile)
Affiliation: Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
SDM Projects:
Development of SDM and PCC assessment tools for the public health sector
Modelling the factors that influence SDM in the Chilean setting
- Bravo P., Contreras A., Dois A., Villarroel L. Adaptación y validación del instrumento genérico CollaboRATETM para medir la participación de mujeres en la toma de decisiones en salud durante el proceso reproductivo. Atención Primaria 50 (5):274-281. DOI: 10.1016/j.aprim.2017.04.003 Disponible en
- Bravo P, Dois A, Fernández-González L, Hernández-Leal MJ, Villarroel L. Validación del instrumento Informed Choice para medir la decisión informada de mamografía en mujeres chilenas usuarias de
atención primaria. Atención Primaria 2021, 53 (3):101943. Disponible en doi: 10.1016/j.aprim.2020.08.005

M. Victoria Ruiz Yanzi (Argentina)
Affiliation: MD, MSc Health systems management , Family doctor staff, Family and Community Medicine Department, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Argentina, Medical Auditor, Plan de Salud Hospital Italiano.
- Riganti P, Ruiz Yanzi MV, Franco JVA, Chiodi J, Regueiro M, Kopitowski KS. Developing a breast cancer screening decision aid in Spanish for average-risk women: a mixed methods study. Medwave 2024;24(2):e2726 (View Here)
- Riganti P, Victor Ariel Franco J, Victoria Ruiz Yanzi M, Carrara C, Barani M, Kopitowski K. Shared decision-making in Argentina in 2022. Z Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes. 2022 Jun;171:11-14. (View Here)
- Agbadjé TT, Riganti P, Adisso ÉL, et al. Are shared decision making studies well enough described to be replicated? Secondary analysis of a Cochrane systematic review. PLoS One. 2022;17(3):e0265401. Published 2022 Mar 16. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0265401

Carolina Carrara (Argentina)
MD, MSc Clinical Effectiveness, University of Buenos Aires, Family doctor staff, Family and Community Medicine Department, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Argentina, Professor, Instituto Universitario Hospital Italiano, Argentina , Consultant for the Ministry of Health, Argentina
- Riganti P, Victor Ariel Franco J, Victoria Ruiz Yanzi M, Carrara C, Barani M, Kopitowski K. Shared decision-making in Argentina in 2022. Z Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes. 2022 Jun;171:11-14. (View Here)

Paula Riganti (Argentina)
Affiliation: MD, MSc Medical Education, Family doctor staff, Family and Community Medicine Department, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Argentina, Researcher, Instituto Universitario Hospital Italiano, Argentina
- Riganti P, Ruiz Yanzi MV, Franco JVA, Chiodi J, Regueiro M, Kopitowski KS. Developing a breast cancer screening decision aid in Spanish for average-risk women: a mixed methods study. Medwave 2024;24(2):e2726 (View Here)
- Riganti P, Victor Ariel Franco J, Victoria Ruiz Yanzi M, Carrara C, Barani M, Kopitowski K. Shared decision-making in Argentina in 2022. Z Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes. 2022 Jun;171:11-14. (View Here)
- Riganti P, Kopitowski KS, McCaffery K, et al. The paradox of using SDM for de-implementation of low- value care in the clinical encounter. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine. Published Online First: 20 April 2023. doi: 10.1136/bmjebm-2022-112201

Karin Kopitowski (Argentina)
Affiliation: MD, Chief Family and Community Medicine Department, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Argentina, Director, Research Department, Instituto Universitario Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Riganti P, Ruiz Yanzi MV, Franco JVA, Chiodi J, Regueiro M, Kopitowski KS. Developing a breast cancer screening decision aid in Spanish for average-risk women: a mixed methods study. Medwave 2024;24(2):e2726 (View Here)
- Riganti P, Victor Ariel Franco J, Victoria Ruiz Yanzi M, Carrara C, Barani M, Kopitowski K. Shared decision-making in Argentina in 2022. Z Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes. 2022 Jun;171:11-14. (View Here)
- Riganti P, Kopitowski KS, McCaffery K, et al. The paradox of using SDM for de-implementation of low- value care in the clinical encounter. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine. Published Online First: 20 April 2023. doi: 10.1136/bmjebm-2022-112201