
Board Members (From 2024 to 2026)​

Prof. Kirsten McCaffery

Prof. Kirsten McCaffery


Location: Australia

Kirsten McCaffery is a Professor of Behavioural Science and holds a Principal Research Fellowship at the Sydney School of Public Health, University of Sydney. She has developed and evaluated patient decision aids across a range of clinical areas and has a special interest in supporting shared decision making in populations with lower health literacy and among those who are socioeconomically disadvantaged.

Anik Giguère

Prof. Anik Giguère


Location: Canada

Anik Giguère is a Professor in the Department of Family Medicine and Emergency Medicine at Laval University in Québec city. She studies the design and implementation of decision aids and educational programs to enable older adults to make health decisions based on evidence and on their experiences and values.

Prof. Paulina Bravo

Prof. Paulina Bravo


Location: Chile

Paulina Bravo is an Associate Professor and the Director of Research and Doctoral Studies at the School of Nursing at the Pontificia Universidad Católica, in Santiago, Chile. She leads the Health Participation Research group at her school. Her research focuses on the development and implementation of patient decision aids and patient-centered care interventions.

Dr Fülöp Scheibler

Dr Fülöp Scheibler


Location: Germany

Fülöp Scheibler is senior associate at the National Competency Centre for Shared Decision Making at the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel, Germany. He is also Co-founder and Partner of the SHARE TO CARE. Patient Centered Care GmbH. Since 2018 he was involved in the development of >80 evidence based online patient decision aids for the project “Making SDM A Reality” in Kiel. His research interest is focusing on large scale implementation of SDM, evidence based medicine and health services research.

Declaration of Interest
Dr Marla Clayman

Dr Marla Clayman

Board Member

Location: United States

Dr. Clayman is a dedicated health services and health communication researcher, specializing in patient engagement and healthcare decision-making. She is a Research Health Scientist at the US Veterans Health Administration and an Associate Professor at the UMass Chan Medical School. She works to create and sustain environments that help patients and families receive and use information that meets their emotional and cognitive needs. She has been a Fulbright Scholar in Norway and held numerous professional leadership positions.

Declaration of Interest
Dr Alejandra Martínez

Dr Alejandra Martínez

Board Member: ECR Represetative

Location: United States

Alejandra Martínez is a research scientist at Dartmouth College. She holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC). Her doctoral thesis aimed to understand healthcare in the interaction between pregnant migrant women and health professionals in Chile’s public health system. Her main research interests are health disparities and migration, power dynamics, patient-centered care, and shared decision-making.

Declaration of Interest
Dr Natalie Joseph-Williams

Dr Natalie Joseph-Williams

Board Member

Location: United Kingdom

Natalie is a Reader in Improving Patient Care at Cardiff University's School of Medicine, and Associate Director of the Health and Care Research Wales Evidence Centre. Natalie has over seventeen years experience of researching, teaching, and implementing shared decision making, working closely with policy makers, healthcare organisations, clinical teams, and patients across the UK to embed this approach into routine clinical care.

Declaration of Interest

ECR Committee

Dr. Alejandra Martínez

Dr. Alejandra Martínez

Committee Chair

Location: United States

Alejandra Martínez is a research scientist at Dartmouth College. She holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC). Her doctoral thesis aimed to understand healthcare in the interaction between pregnant migrant women and health professionals in Chile’s public health system. Her main research interests are health disparities and migration, power dynamics, patient-centered care, and shared decision-making.

Dr. Eman Abukmail

Dr. Eman Abukmail

Location: Australia

Dr Eman is currently pursuing her PhD at the Institute for Evidence-Based Healthcare, Bond University, Australia. Her research focuses on enhancing communication about prognosis and the natural history of illnesses to help patients make informed decisions. She is particularly passionate about improving healthcare delivery through shared decision making (SDM) and is actively involved in various SDM projects and initiatives. Dr. Eman is committed to expanding the impact and outreach of SDM practices. In addition to her research, she serves as the lead of the Early and Middle Career Researcher (EMCR) Network and co-directs the SDM Mentorship Program.

Weiwei Lu

Weiwei Lu

Location: Hong Kong

Weiwei Lu is a PhD graduate from the Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences at the City University of Hong Kong. She also has a master's degree of narrative therapy and community work from the University of Melbourne. Her Ph.D. thesis applies a divided narrative approach to investigate the interplays among narrative, power, and agency in shared decision-making on cancer treatment. She has developed a narrative-based model of shared decision-making to advocate mutual engagement in physician and patient communication.

Simone Kienlin

Simone Kienlin

Location: Norway

Simone serves as a Special Advisor for Shared Decision Making at the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority. She is also a PhD candidate at the E-Health, Integrative Care, and Innovation Center at the University Hospital of North Norway. Simone leads a strategic project at the Regional Health Authority aimed at enhancing the uptake of SDM through a comprehensive, multi-faceted implementation strategy. Additionally, in her role overseeing both regional and national SDM initiatives, Simone is spearheading the development and implementation of a modularized meta-curriculum titled "Ready for SDM," designed to effectively train healthcare professionals in SDM. Her research focuses on SDM training, measurement, and decision support such as patient decision aids, decision coaching and evidence-based health information.

Dr. Alex Waddell

Dr. Alex Waddell

Location: Australia

Dr Alex Waddell is a Research Fellow with Action Lab in the Department of Human Centred Computing. Alex's research utilises behavioural science, policy and programs to achieve health outcomes in the public sphere. Her research explores what helps and hinders the health system to support clinicians and patients to share decisions, through behaviour change and implementation science. Alex hopes her research can add to the field of shared decision making by utilising multiple parts of the healthcare system to support clinicians and patients through behaviour change. She specialises in evidence synthesis and qualitative research methods.

Reed Bratches

Reed Bratches

Location: USA

Reed Bratches is an Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He is interested in the decision-making needs and decisional choices of family caregivers of persons with dementia, with a special focus on developing tools to support medication management and adherence while reducing administration errors.

Andrea Duarte-Diaz

Andrea Duarte-Diaz

Location: Spain

Andrea is a PhD candidate in Psychology. She currently works as a research technician at the Canary Islands Health Research Institute Foundation (FIISC) and the Evaluation Unit of the Canary Islands Health Service (SESCS), where she actively contributes as a member of the Person-Centered Group. Passionate about advancing mental health, health literacy, patient empowerment, and shared decision-making, Andrea has led and collaborated on various regional, national, and international projects in these fields. Her work within a Health Technology Assessment (HTA) agency also emphasizes evidence-based practice and the use of evidence synthesis to inform health policy and decision-making.
