
The Asian SDM Special Interest Group is focused on promoting and building shared decision making in the Asia region.  It consists of SDM researchers, clinician-researchers and individuals in health policy and management.  It aims to increase awareness of SDM and build collaboration and support for SDM in the Asia region.

For any questions about this special interest group or if you wish to join, please email the co-chairs Weiwei Lu and Yumi Aoki.

Hisayuki Miura (Japan)

Affiliation: Head, Department of Home Care and Regional Liaison Promotion, National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Japan

SDM Projects:

  • Development of SDM evaluation measurements in Japan
  • Development of human resources development programs that integrate Advance Care Planning and Shared Decision Making
  • Goto Y, Miura H, Yamaguchi Y, and Onishi J. Evaluation of an advance care planning training program for practice professionals in Japan incorporating shared decision making skills training: A prospective study of a curricular intervention BMC Palliat care 21、135、2022, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12904-022-01019-x
  • Goto Y, Yamaguchi Y, Onishi J, Arai H, Härter M, Scholl I, Kriston L, and Miura H. Adapting the patient and physician versions of the 9-item Shared Decision Making Questionnaire for other healthcare providers in Japan. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 21:314 2021, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12911-021-01683-8
  • Goto Y, Miura H, Son D, Scholl I, Kriston L, Härter M, Sato K, Kusaba T, Arai H. Association between physicians’ and patients’ perspectives of shared decision making in primary care settings in Japan: The impact of environmental factors. PLoS One 2021 16(2): e0246518. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0246518

Shuhei Fujimoto (Japan) 

Affiliation: Associate Professor, Shizuoka Graduate University of Public Health

SDM Projects:

  • I am researching the impact of SDM education for health care professionals, especially rehabilitation professionals, on their EBP beliefs/confidences and patient outcomes.
  • T Ogawa, S Fujimoto, et al., Shared Decision-Making in Physiotherapy: A Cross-Sectional Study of Patient Involvement Factors and Issues in Japan. BMC Med Inform and Decis Mak, 23(1): 135, 2023.
  • S Fujimoto et al., Effect of education on physiotherapist and occupational therapists’ perceptions of clinical practice guidelines and shared decision making: a randomized controlled trial. J Phys Ther Sci, 34(6): 445-453, 2022.
  • T Ogawa, S Fujimoto, et al., A scale for shared decision-making in rehabilitation medicine: reliability and validity in the field of physical therapy. An Official Journal of the Japan Primary Care Association, 43(4): 129-137, 2020. 

Sungwon Yoon (Singapore) 

Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Health Services and Systems Research, Duke-NUS Medical School

SDM Projects:

  • Treatment decision-making and doctor-patient communication for patients with terminal illnesses
  • Development of mobile app-based health coaching to enhance shared decision-making between patients with chronic diseases and primary care physicians.

Wakako Osaka (Japan)

Affiliation: Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care Keio University

SDM Projects:

  • Education for healthcare providers in shared decision making and patient decision aids developers
  • Japanese healthcare providers perception of barriers and facilitators to shared decision making in oncology
  • Osaka W., Nakayama K. Effect of a Decision Aid with Patient Narratives in Reducing Decisional Conflict in Choice for Surgery among Early-Stage Breast Cancer: A Three-arm Randomized Controlled Trial. Patient Education and Counseling,2017 Mar;100(3),Pages 550–562, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pec.2016.09.011
  • Shishido E., Osaka W, Henna A, Motomura Y, Horiuchi S. Effect of a decision aid on the choice of pregnant women whether to have epidural anesthesia or not during labor. 2020. PLOS ONE, 15(11), e0242351. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0242351

  • Okawa M., Osaka W. Development and acceptability of a decision aid for women with a BRCA pathogenic variant considering cancer risk management strategies. 2022 22(1) p. 9-16. https://doi.org/10.18976/jsht.22.1_9 (Japanese)

Wendy WT Lam (Hong Kong)

Affiliation: Associate Professor, Head, Division of Behavioural Sciences, School of Public Health, Director, Jockey Club Institute of Cancer Care, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, President: International Psycho-oncology Society

SDM Projects:

  • My interest in shared decision-making (SDM) focuses on the role of using patient decision aids to optimize patient decision-making, as well as the application of SDM in triadic communication in the oncology context
  • Lam WWT, Fielding R, Chan M, Chow L, Ho E. (2003) Participation and satisfaction with surgical treatment decision-making in breast cancer among Chinese women. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 80(2): 171-180. 
  • Lam WWT, Chan M, Or A, Kwong A, Suen D, Fielding R. Reducing treatment decision conflict difficulties for breast cancer surgery. A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology (2013) 31 (23):2879-2885
  • Lam WWT, Kwok M, Chan M, Hung WK, Ying M, Or A, Suen D, Yoon SW, Fielding R. Does the use of shared decision-making consultation behaviours increase treatment decision-making satisfaction among Chinese women facing decision for breast cancer surgery? Patient Education and Counseling 2014 (22):635-44 

Wen-Hsuan Hou (Taiwan)

Affiliation: Director/Attending Physician/Professor, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Taipei Medical University Hospital, School of Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan

SDM Projects:

  • Dr. Hou hold a committee member Cochrane Taiwan advocating the evidence-based medicine and knowledge translation for patient involvement. She is also a consultant of Joint Commission of Taiwan with the main role of facilitating the quality improvement in developing patient decision aids and implanting shared decision making in clinical settings. Since 2013, Dr. Hou has continuously awarded research project grants from the Taiwan National Science Council, including one grant for international cooperation with the Dartmouth Institute, USA. She was a grantee of 2016-2017 Fulbright scholarship research grants and health literacy topic coordinator of the Taiwan National Health Research Institute in 2018. Recently, she devotes in medical education for shared decision-making communication for interprofessional healthcare personnel and led collaborations of quality improvement programs in shared decision-making among affiliated hospitals. 

  • Chen CH, Kang YN, Chiu PY, Huang YJ, Glyn Elwyn, Wu MH, Kang JH, Hou WH*, Kuo KN, Effectiveness of Shared Decision-Making Intervention in Patients with Lumbar Degenerative Diseases: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Patient Education and Counseling, 2021 Oct ; 104(10):2498-2504.

  • Chen HC, Chuang HY, Lee Y, Glyn Elwyn, Hou WH*, Kuo KN, Relationships  among Antecedents, Processes, and Outcomes for Shared Decision Making: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Patients with Lumbar Degenerative Disease. Medical Decision Making, 2022 Apr; 42(3):352-363.    

  • Hsiao CY, Wu JC, Lin PC, Yang PY, Liao F, Guo SL*, Hou WH*. Effectiveness of Interprofessional Shared Decision-Making Training: A Mixed-Method Study. Patient Education and Counseling, 2022 Nov; 15(11):3287-3297.

Weiwei Lu (Hong Kong)

Affiliation: PhD Candidate, City University of Hong Kong

SDM Projects:

  • My research is to develop a narrative-based model of shared decision making.

Yumi Aoki (Japan)

Affiliation: Associate Professor of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing at the Graduate School of Nursing Science, St. Luke’s International University, Tokyo, Japan.

SDM Projects:

  • shared decision-making in psychiatry and the development and implementation of patient decision aids for individuals with mental health conditions.

  • Aoki Y, Takaesu Y, Matsui K, Tokumasu T, Tani H, Takekita Y, Kanazawa T, Kishimoto T, Tarutani S, Hashimoto N, Takeuchi H, Mishima K, Inada K. Development and acceptability testing of a decision aid for considering whether to reduce antipsychotics in individuals with stable schizophrenia. Neuropsychopharmacol Rep. 2023 Sep;43(3):391-402. doi: 10.1002/npr2.12366. https://doi.org/10.1002/npr2.12366
  • Aoki Y, Yaju Y, Utsumi T, Sanyaolu L, Storm M, Takaesu Y, Watanabe K, Watanabe N, Duncan E, Edwards AG. Shared decision-making interventions for people with mental health conditions. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2022 Nov 11;11(11):CD007297. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD007297.pub3.https://doi.org/10.1002/14651858.CD007297.pub3
  • Aoki Y, Tsuboi T, Takaesu Y, Watanabe K, Nakayama K, Kinoshita Y, Kayama M. Development and field testing of a decision aid to facilitate shared decision making for adults newly diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Health Expect. 2022 Feb;25(1):366-373. doi: 10.1111/hex.13393. https://doi.org/10.1111/hex.13393

Lee Yew Kong (Malaysia)

Affiliation: Senior Lecturer, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia

SDM Projects:

  • I have been involved in the development, digitalisation and implementation of an insulin choice decision aid in multiple languages for Malaysian primary care settings. Moving away from printed booklet formats, my colleagues and I have converted the decision aid into a series of online interactive learning objects to increase accessibility and reach of the tool for patients.  
  • Lee YK, Ng CJ, Lee PY, Tong WT, Sa’at H. Shared decision-making in Malaysia: Legislation, patient involvement, implementation and the impact of COVID-19. Z Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes. 2022 Jun;171:89-92. doi: 10.1016/j.zefq.2022.04.020. Epub 2022 May 21. PMID: 35610129; PMCID: PMC9124047. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9124047/)
  • Tong WT, Lee YK, Ng CJ, Lee PY (2020) Factors influencing implementation of an insulin patient decision aid at public health clinics in Malaysia: A qualitative study. PLOS ONE 15(12): e0244645. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0244645 

Jacqueline K Yuen (Hong Kong)

Affiliation: Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine and Division of Behavioral Sciences, School of Public Health, The University of Hong Kong

SDM Projects:

  • Training of healthcare professionals in shared decision-making and advance care planning communication
  • Interventions to promote shared decision making for patients with advanced chronic kidney disease and dementia

  • Yuen JK, Kelley AS, Gelfman LP, Lindenberger EE, Smith CB, Arnold RM, Calton B, Schell J, Berns S. Development and Validation of the ACP-CAT for Assessing the Quality of Advance Care Planning Communication. J Pain Symptom Manage 2020;59(1):1-8.e3. doi: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2019.09.001.

  • Berns S, Camargo M, Meier DE, Yuen JK. Goals of Care Ambulatory Resident Education (GOCARE): Training Residents in Advance Care Planning Conversations in the Outpatient Setting. J Palliat Med. 2017;20(12):1345-1351. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2016.0273.

  • Yuen JK, Mehta SS, Roberts JE, Cooke JT, and Reid MC. A Brief Educational Intervention to Teach Residents Shared Decision-Making in the Intensive Care Unit. J Palliat Med. 2013; 16(5):531-536. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2012.0356.

Chirk Jenn Ng (Singapore)

Affiliation: Clinical Professor, Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore; Senior Consultant, SingHealth Polyclinics

SDM Projects:

  • My SDM research interests are on the development, evaluation and implementation of patient decision aids across different healthcare disciplines. I am also involved in the teaching of SDM for undergraduate and postgraduate students.
  • Mathers N, Ng CJ, Campbell MJ, Colwell B, Brown I, Bradley A. Clinical effectiveness of a patient decision aid to improve decision quality and glycaemic control in people with diabetes making treatment choices: a cluster randomised controlled trial (PANDAs) in general practice. BMJ Open. 2012 Nov 5;2(6):e001469. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2012-001469. PMID: 23129571; PMCID: PMC3532975.

  • Ng CJ, Lee PY, Lee YK, Chew BH, Engkasan JP, Irmi ZI, Hanafi NS, Tong SF. An overview of patient involvement in healthcare decision-making: a situational analysis of the Malaysian context. BMC Health Serv Res. 2013 Oct 11;13:408. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-13-408. PMID: 24119237; PMCID: PMC3852442.

  • Ambigapathy R, Chia YC, Ng CJ. Patient involvement in decision-making: a cross-sectional study in a Malaysian primary care clinic. BMJ Open. 2016 Jan 4;6(1):e010063. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010063. PMID: 26729393; PMCID: PMC4716181.

Jikyeong Kim (Korea)

Affiliation: Senior Researcher, Patient-Doctor Shared Decision Making(PDSDM) Research center, Kyung Hee University Medical Center

SDM Projects:

  • Manage and support national R&D projects on shared decision-making topics.

  • Kim Ji-Kyeong. Autonomy as a Prerequisite for Sharing Decision-making. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Law & Ethics. 2021.11; 15(1):23-44. DOI: 10.15656/kjcg.2021.22.2.104
  • Chung-woo Lee, Youn Seon Choi, DaeKyun Kim, So-Hi Kwon, Won-chul Kim, Na-young Kim-Yoon, Hye Yoon Park, Jaesok Kim, Ji-Kyeong Kim. A Nationwide Survey about Care of Dying Patients in Acute Care Hospitals in Korea. Korean Journal of Clinical Geriatrics.12; 22(2):104-111. DOI: 10.15656/kjcg.2021.22.2.104
  • Kim Ji-Kyeong. Comparison of informed consent and shared decision-making concepts. Journal of the Korea Bioethics Association.6; 24(1):87-101. DOI : 10.37305/JKBA.2023.